717.627.2200       800.792.0804       Fax: 717.627.0043       EMAIL

About Me

I have been involved in Immigration Law since 1989 when I started working for a refugee resettlement agency in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We were resettling mostly Russian Pentecostal refugees from the former Soviet Union. I speak Russian fairly well, and I was the chief contact with the Russians --- helping them get resettled, and helping their sponsors assist the refugees.

That experience sparked my interest in Immigration Law, and I entered Widener University School of Law in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and graduated in 1996. I clerked with two local judges and entered the general practice of law in Lancaster. However, my interest in Immigration Law still continued, and in 1999, I went out on my own where Immigration Law made up about one-third of my practice. From mid-2004 to April 2007 I worked in a firm where I continued to practice Immigration Law as a significant part of my practice. In May 2007 I decided that the time was ripe to go out on my own again --- but this time limiting my practice solely to Immigration Law.

Being self-employed gives me the flexibility to design my practice in a way that fits my personal priorities. I work out of my home so that I can be with my family. I am married and have four young, very active children (whom you might overhear in the background over the phone or at a consultation). My wife home schools, and working out of my home gives me the opportunity to assist with the home schooling --- which I have very much enjoyed.

I look forward to meeting and serving you! Give me a call!
